
DigiPolli, the trusted leader in digital marketing, has successfully served clients across various industries with their unparalleled expertise in SEO and Google Ads. From e-commerce to healthcare, technology to finance, our tailored strategies have consistently delivered exceptional results.

March 06, 2023
Kitchen Aid Pic

01. Client Overview

K KitchenAid, a subsidiary of Whirlpool Corporation, is a renowned kitchen appliance brand that has been at the forefront of culinary innovation for over a century. Since its establishment in 1919, KitchenAid has earned a stellar reputation for its commitment to craftsmanship, performance, and design excellence.

With a diverse range of products including stand mixers, blenders, food processors, ovens, and more, KitchenAid caters to the needs of both home chefs and culinary professionals. The brand’s dedication to providing high-quality appliances that empower users in the kitchen has made it a household name trusted by millions of customers worldwide.

KitchenAid’s product portfolio embodies a perfect blend of form and function, showcasing elegant designs that seamlessly integrate into any kitchen decor. By combining cutting-edge technology, durable construction, and attention to detail, KitchenAid appliances offer exceptional performance and reliability, elevating the cooking and baking experiences for users of all skill levels.

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure.
It is: Try to please everybody.”
– Herbert Bayard Swope

Kitchen Aid Logo

DigiPolli's expertise in Ads has been instrumental in driving our digital marketing success. Their comprehensive approach, from keyword research to ad creation, led to a remarkable increase in click-through rates and conversions. We are thrilled with the results and will continue to rely on DigiPolli for our online advertising needs.

02. Business Challenge

In an increasingly competitive market, KitchenAid faced the challenge of adapting to the digital age and strengthening its online presence. Data analysis revealed that the majority of their target audience, comprising tech-savvy home chefs and culinary professionals, relied heavily on digital channels for product research and purchases. However, the company’s existing digital strategies were not fully optimized to meet customer expectations, resulting in missed opportunities and suboptimal performance.

The data highlighted the following key challenges:

  1. Limited Customer Engagement: KitchenAid’s digital platforms lacked personalized experiences and interactive features, resulting in low customer engagement rates. Analysis showed that only 25% of website visitors took any action beyond browsing, indicating a need for improved strategies to capture and retain customer interest.

  2. Ineffective Marketing Efforts: The data indicated that KitchenAid’s marketing campaigns were not effectively reaching and resonating with the target audience. Conversion rates from digital channels remained relatively low, with only 10% of website visitors making a purchase. This underscored the importance of optimizing marketing efforts to improve campaign performance and drive sales.

  3. Fragmented Data Silos: Data analysis revealed that KitchenAid had multiple data silos, with customer information scattered across various systems and platforms. This fragmentation hindered a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior, making it challenging to deliver personalized experiences and tailored marketing campaigns. Consolidating and unifying these disparate data sources emerged as a crucial requirement.

  4. Lack of Data-Driven Decision-Making: KitchenAid recognized the need to leverage data-driven insights to guide strategic decision-making. However, existing processes lacked the analytical capabilities necessary to extract meaningful insights from the available data. This hindered the ability to make informed decisions regarding product offerings, marketing strategies, and customer experience enhancements.

The above challenges indicated an urgent need for a comprehensive digital transformation initiative that would leverage data, analytics, and marketing automation to overcome existing limitations, enhance customer engagement, and drive sales growth.

KitchenAid Ad Plan

03. Solutions

KitchenAid partnered with a leading digital marketing and analytics platform, DigiPolli, to embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey. The collaboration aimed to implement data-driven strategies, optimize marketing efforts, and enhance the overall customer journey.

  1. Unified Data Collection: DigiPolli deployed a robust data collection framework across KitchenAid’s digital ecosystem. This involved integrating various data sources, including the website, mobile app, CRM system, and third-party platforms, into a unified data repository. By aggregating customer data from multiple touchpoints, KitchenAid gained a holistic view of their audience’s behavior, preferences, and purchase patterns.

  2. Advanced Analytics and Insights: Leveraging advanced analytics capabilities, DigiPolli performed in-depth analysis of the collected data to derive valuable insights. The analytics team identified key customer segments, their engagement patterns, and the most effective marketing channels. By understanding customer preferences and behaviors, KitchenAid gained the ability to deliver highly personalized experiences and tailor marketing campaigns to specific target groups.

  3. Marketing Automation: With the insights gained from the data analysis, KitchenAid implemented sophisticated marketing automation strategies. By utilizing personalized messaging, dynamic content, and triggered campaigns, KitchenAid engaged customers at crucial touchpoints throughout their journey. Automated workflows were set up to nurture leads, encourage repeat purchases, and provide timely product recommendations, creating a seamless and personalized experience for each customer.

  4. Optimized Advertising Spend: DigiPolli attribution modeling and marketing analytics capabilities enabled KitchenAid to measure the impact of their advertising campaigns accurately. By identifying the most effective channels, campaigns, and ad placements, KitchenAid optimized their advertising spend to achieve a higher return on investment (ROI). The company also implemented data-driven bidding strategies for their digital advertising efforts, maximizing the visibility and reach of their campaigns while minimizing costs.

04. Results

The partnership between KitchenAid and DigiPolli resulted in significant improvements across various key performance indicators:

  1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: By leveraging personalized messaging and automated workflows, KitchenAid achieved a 30% increase in customer engagement across digital channels. Customers responded positively to the tailored experiences, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased customer loyalty.

  2. Increased Sales Revenue: The data-driven approach to marketing and advertising led to a 15% boost in online sales revenue for KitchenAid. By optimizing their advertising spend and targeting the right audience segments, the company experienced a substantial increase in conversions and overall revenue.

  3. Improved Marketing Efficiency: KitchenAid achieved a 40% reduction in marketing costs by eliminating ineffective campaigns and focusing on high-impact strategies. The integration of advanced analytics and marketing automation enabled the company to streamline their marketing processes and allocate resources more efficiently.

  4. Deeper Customer Insights: With a unified view of customer data and advanced analytics capabilities, KitchenAid gained deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This empowered the company to make data-driven decisions, optimize their product offerings, and deliver personalized experiences that resonated with their target audience.

+7% More Conversions

+15% Revenue Growth

+15% Improvement in ROAS

Conversion export for KitchenAid
Conversion export for KitchenAid